College life is never divorced from odd jobs. They allow students to acquire a little pocket money to meet their financial needs. Depending on their choices, these learners can also benefit from certain experiences. Here are three practical tips for finding a student job quickly.

Consult the most accessible ads

To quickly find a student job in Canada, the first solution is to consult an ad on the university campus. In fact, a student can work on campus, for example, at the educational institution, in a student organization or with a private contractor who provides services for the campus. In addition, the student may also call on the international relations department of his or her university. This service not only offers a multitude of student job offers, but can also guide the learner in his or her research. If there are no suitable job offers, they can find others outside the campus, especially in the local press. In fact, here, there are more publications. To maximize their chances of being picked up quickly, learners should not hesitate to apply.

Create an attractive and complete CV

When the learner is building his or her resume to find a student job in Canada, there is no need to spend a lifetime on this document. In principle, recruiters are not very interested in precise information about an applicant's private life. It is not taken into account in recruitment. It is therefore sufficient to include the surname, first names, telephone number and e-mail address. On the other hand, the student must consider his CV as a page of advertising. It should highlight professional experience, skills, performance, but especially the studies in progress. To attract recruiters, there's nothing better than using action verbs to make the description. The qualities must also be appropriate to the proposed mission. In addition, to cite skills, it is best to use bullet points to mark each change.

Meeting the criteria for worker-students

For a learner to be able to combine study and work in Canada, he or she must meet certain criteria imposed by the competent authorities. For example, a student must have studied at least one semester at a Canadian university to consider working in that country. To do so, they must apply for a temporary work permit from their university. For your information, a student is allowed to work 24 hours a week, and the hours of a student job in Canada must not exceed 7.5 hours a day.