Linguistic stays
Learning English in Canada
Find an English program that suits you
Learning English in Canada
Practice your language
Learning English in Canada will provide you with many benefits. The legendary hospitality and friendliness of Canadians will not leave you indifferent. On the natural side, you will fall in love with the beautiful landscapes that shape North America. Between majestic lakes, mountains and forests of a thousand colours, grandiose scenery stretches out its arms to you.
A very pleasant way to escape between two English courses in Canada! But the modernity of urban sites is never far away, and you will certainly enjoy strolling through the major cities of Canada, whose tall buildings are reminiscent of the megalopolises of the United States. More tips on examoney.co.uk.

English courses in Canada for young people and adults
Language courses
When you leave for an English course in Canada, you will have the opportunity to discover an incredibly varied culture in both Toronto and Vancouver.
Toronto, a city on the shores of Lake Ontario, is an international centre for arts, dance and theatre. It is also the financial capital of Canada, making it a goldmine for English language students wishing to pursue a career in business. If you prefer a milder climate, Vancouver, on Canada’s west coast, is the ideal place to study.
From skiing in the winter, to biking in the spring, you can enjoy the many outdoor attractions available all year round. Whichever city you choose, Toronto and Vancouver are fantastic places to study English courses in Canada.

English courses in Canada

French courses in Canada
Canadian living environment
Living in Canada
Whether you take your English courses in Canada in Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver, you will be introduced to a unique culture that reconciles excitement and a gentle way of life. You will be able to learn English in Canada in total serenity and in excellent conditions, thanks to the many specialized schools open to a public of French speakers. And if you suffer from homesickness, you can always take a trip to Quebec, where French is mostly spoken.

Stays for students and adults

Students & adults
The language stays and trips for students and adults are aimed to learn or perfect a foreign language.

University stays

Gap year programs
By choosing to study more, you enrich your studies and add considerable value to your CV.

Student in class with the teacher

Teacher’s house
Opting for a language stay that offers both accommodation and private tuition in the teacher’s home.

Stays for teenagers and juniors

Young people from 10 to 18 years old
Early foreign language learning guarantees quick and lasting results.

High school student

High school programs
Studying for several months in a high school in Canada is a unique language experience.

Stays for professionals

Professionals’ programs
Knowing how to communicate in English, is an undeniable asset for your CV.
The main English tests for studying and living in Canada
English language tests

The TOEIC test is a test based solely on written and oral comprehension. Be careful, if it is easily recognized in France, especially by companies, it is preferable that you turn to other tests if you wish to prove your level of English to English-speaking universities.
The IELTS test is the English/Australian equivalent of TOEFL, a test based on written and oral comprehension, but also on written and oral expression. It is recommended for students who want to enter English and Australian universities, and increasingly for American universities.
The TOEFL test is the American equivalent of IELTS. It is therefore based on 4 parts, written and oral comprehension and written and oral expression. It is recommended for students who wish to study in all English-speaking countries, as it is recognized almost everywhere in the world.
The various official language level tests
The various official tests that allow us to evaluate your level in a given language. These are internationally recognised tests, but unfortunately they are not free of charge. While some are more difficult than others, they all have their own structure and repeating exercises. A preliminary preparation through the annals of these tests can therefore easily fill an average language level and obtain a more than correct score. You can visit GlobalExam for more information about the preparation of language tests.
Language stay in Canada
Language courses in Canada
Are you planning to go abroad to perfect your English? What if you choose Canada? This destination has many surprises in store for you. A language stay in Canada will give you the opportunity to practice English while discovering an original and engaging culture.